Jet Vacuum Systems Pvt. Ltd. – Multi Effect Evaporators, Steam Ejector System & Water Jet Ejector Manufacturer

ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)

ZLD consist of Customized and tailor-made Multi-Effect Evaporators, ATFD, Stripper Systems, RO and Effluent Treatment Plants.

ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant)

Effluent Treatment is the process design to treat and reuse or/and safely dispose off industrial waste water into the environment.

ETP-ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)​
RO-ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)​

RO (Reverse Osmosis)

Reverse osmosis is a special type of filtration that uses a semi-permeable, porous membrane, that allows only pure water through it, filtering the larger molecules or impurities.

Multi Effect Evaporator

Industrial evaporation is employed for the large scale production of concentrated solutions, playing a critical role in the manufacturing of a variety of products in the process industry, including organic and inorganic chemicals, speciality and fine chemicals, polymers, fertilizers, pulp & papers, pharmaceuticals and foods.

Multi Effect Evaporator-ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)​
Pan Type Evaporator-ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)​

Pan Type Evaporator

It is usually recommended where the effluent load is less than 2 kilo liters/day. Just of the name suggests, it consists of a Pan in which the effluent is fed continuously and it gets evaporated on a continuous basis. 

Lab Scale System​

Lab Scale System: Keeping in mind the importance of research and development process, JVSPL has come up with Lab Scale Systems for our customers in-order to facilitate their process development. These systems provide the same level of accuracy and results and thus illustrate an actual scenario of installation.

Lab Scale-ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)​

ATFD (Agitated Thin Film Dryer)​

Just how the name indicates, ATFD is a type of dryer which is used to produce a dry substance/product. It is used in various application industries such as Pharmaceutical, Food industries, Specialty Chemical Industries, Effluent Treatment Plants-Zero Liquid Discharge.


Stripper is used for industrial applications that need to remove the volatile content from the feed stream.

Stripper-ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)​
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