Jet Vacuum Systems Pvt. Ltd. – Multi Effect Evaporators, Steam Ejector System & Water Jet Ejector Manufacturer

Pilot Plant Facility

Jet Vacuum Systems Pvt. Ltd. offers provision for testing in it’s own premises. Often refereed by it’s clients as one of the best pilot plant facility, it enables it’s customers to practically test and avail results and check the financial as well as operational ability of a system before commercially installing it.

Customers and clients can send their feed/effluent to us for us to process it in our facility and thus can know the complete analysis of parameters before going for any kind of investment.

Vacuum Testing

Vacuum Testing​ 1 - Pilot Plant Facility
Vacuum Testing 2 - Pilot Plant Facility

Evaporator Piloting

Evaporator Piloting​ Effluent (Feed) - Pilot Plant Facility
Condensate Water - Pilot Plant Facility and Commissioning

Agitated Thin Film Dryer Piloting

Agitated Thin Film Dryer Piloting​
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