Jet Vacuum Systems Pvt. Ltd. – Multi Effect Evaporators, Steam Ejector System & Water Jet Ejector Manufacturer

ATFD (Agitated Thin Film Dryer)​

Just how the name indicates, ATFD is a type of dryer which is used to produce a dry substance/product. It is used in various application industries such as Pharmaceutical, Food industries, Specialty Chemical Industries, Effluent Treatment Plants-Zero Liquid Discharge.

Design & Process Description: Agitated Thin Film Dryer is a vertical, jacketed cylindrical dryer. Inside this vertical cylinder, a shaft runs throughout the length. This shaft is fitted with specially designed blades and the shaft rotates at variable RPM through a gear box. 

Blades are designed in such a way that while rotating, they touch the ID (Inside Diameter) of vertical shell.

Thick liquid is fed to ATFD through a feed distributor which is mounted at the top of the cylindrical shell. Liquid enters tangentially through this feed distributor and slides down along with the ID of the shell.

Shell is maintained at a high temperature through a heating media from jacket. This heating media can either be motive steam or thermic fluid.

As the liquid slides down, water gets evaporated and the solid residue gets accumulated on the ID of shell.

This accumulated solid is scrapped by rotating blades and it falls down in the form of dry powder and ultimately collected from the bottom of ATFD.


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