Jet Vacuum Systems Pvt. Ltd. – Multi Effect Evaporators, Steam Ejector System & Water Jet Ejector Manufacturer

Adiabatic Evaporative Crystallizer

Adiabatic Evaporative Crystallizer types are based on adiabatic evaporation principal which means, sensible heat is used as latent heat of vaporization to evaporate the solvent thus making it super saturated. AS solution becomes super saturated, solute present will start crystallizing. In an adiabatic evaporative cooling crystallizer, the feed is subjected to very high vacuum. This results into a sudden temperature drop and in-turn, evaporation takes place.

In these type of crystallizers, inorder to achieve the yield, heating elements are eliminated. During the process of crystal formation, the vapours are generated in the body. These vapours are cooled and compressed with the help of steam boosters.

Adiabatic - Crystallization

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