Jet Vacuum Systems Pvt. Ltd. – Multi Effect Evaporators, Steam Ejector System & Water Jet Ejector Manufacturer

Evaporative Forced Circulation Crystallizer

Evaporative Forced Circulation Crystallizer​ is used for removing olvent by heating the solution, ultimately generating crystals as precipitate.

Feed is circulated from the heating element (heat exchanger) and the body. The continues circulation generates slurry along with the feed. This slurry leaving the body is pumped through the heat exchanger where it’s temperature increases.

This heated slurry when mixes with the slurry in the body, raises its temperature causing boiling of surface liquid. This phenomena of consequent cooling and vaporization in order to achieve equilibrium, a supersaturated solution is formed which results into crystal formation at the bottom of the body. These crystals are removed via product discharge pipe.

This type of crystallization method is used for compounds that have a property to form crystals at high temperature.

The most common phenomena is the formation of NaCl crystals from Saline Water.

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