We have started with the manufacturing of MVR based Evaporation Systems.
Division List
Manufacturers of Liquid Jet Ejectors, Steam Jet Ejectors, Combination Vacuum Systems and many more.
ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)
Customized and tailor-made Multi-Effect Evaporators, ATFD, Stripper Systems, RO and Effluent Treatment Plants.
Highly advanced Crystallization technology for obtaining refined crystals inform of precipitate.
Pilot Plant Facility
Customized and tailor-made Multi-Effect Evaporators, Agitated Thin Film Dryers, Stripper Systems, RO and Effluent Treatment Plants.
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps for process, pharma and other chemical industries.
As per client’s specified design, dimensions and drawings, we provide fabrication services at our premises. Our workshop is fully equipped with all the necessary machinery and man power to execute job works of every capacity.
Our services
An absolute design development for various chemical, pharmaceutical, process, paper & pulp, effluent industries with performance guarantee assurances. Start to end design progress with maximum cost efficiency and production accomplishment.
Upgrading or providing maintenance to already installed systems, in case of under-performance, performance glitch or reconstruction of systems.